April 10, 2020


Is Stay-at-Home, Social Distancing Order Easier for Some Than Others?

Can life experience, interests, and personality affect how one deals with being told to stay at home and socially distance? I wonder if it’s easier for the following people to deal with the stay-at-home orders than some others? Just pondering.

A person who has most everything needed for survival, like shelter, food, medicine, power, money, and proximity to other needed emergency items.IMG_2967

A person who can pay their bills and has plenty to eat.

A person who enjoys being alone to write, paint, sculpt, tend animals, garden, exercise, or for various other interests.img_5637-1

A person who can read their life away, traveling through the written word.

A person who has spiritual beliefs, prayer, or meditation life.

A person who reaches out to others to stay in communication and help where needed.

A person who is already used to living alone.

A caregiver of an elderly person, a sick person, children, or a person with handicapping conditions that requires spending much time at home.

A person who considers him or herself prepared for emergency situations with multiples of things, stored up foods, an active garden, and seeds for expansion.IMG_3565

A person who is naturally an introvert and enjoys time to themselves and perhaps gets their energy from that condition.IMG_3293

A person who has been wanting time at home to tackle a huge to do list.

A person who has been craving time at home either to be alone or with family/loved ones and has them there.IMG_3602

A person who knows loved ones are as safe as possible and checks on them regularly.

A person who already works or studies from home or stays home for other reasons.lisa feet and laptop for blog

This is a partial list that came to mind. There are many more.

Disclaimer: I hereby announce LOUDLY that I personally have no knowledge on this subject. I might have degrees in psychology, sociology, and counseling but I’m as lost on this pandemic’s effect on the world as anyone else. Not having a clue about the accuracy of what I’m writing, I, like so many, have a great deal of time nowadays to ponder. That’s what I’m doing. Pondering.


10 thoughts on “Is Stay-at-Home, Social Distancing Order Easier for Some Than Others?

  1. Lisa this is an interesting and thought provoking post. I have been pondering some of these same factors.

    I do think that many of these factors are relative. For example, there are some of us, like myself who can cope once I know I have a reliable food source to fresh produce. I will struggle if I need to survive on canned tuna and rice. Of course if need be I would survive, but it would definitely be a struggle.

    In India, social distancing and hand washing are all luxuries that a large part of the population just do not have. Crowded homes with no running water practically and tragically means that Corona will spread through many areas like wildfire. And already there are food shortages.

    But in other parts of the globe where we are privileged to have these luxuries, those among us that are extroverts and love to be social, are finding this period very challenging. Those of us that are homebodies anyway or have creative outlets, perhaps significantly less so….


    • We spend time in a poor area of Peru which sounds very much like you describe in India. I hate it for them. Being in our home with food and running water is indeed a luxury.

  2. I agree with you Lisa, I count myself with the introverts and writers.

  3. Sounds like you covered most of it all. I will add pet caregiver since I have to give insulin to two cats every twelve hours.

  4. I am so happy at home; loving the lack of pressure to ‘produce/work/consume/participate.’ Clearly I am one of the utterly privileged, with my veg garden, forest views, and simple-yet-luxurious home :/

  5. Such a thought provoking post!
    I am glad people are trying to spread streaks of positivity in such tumultuous times!
    Hope you are safe! 🌸

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