April 1, 2020


Pandemic Care Package for Our Daughter

By Lisa Batten Kunkleman

Never, ever did I expect to be mailing our 23-year-old daughter a care package during a pandemic. But here I go. Thank heaven for the postal service still being an option. 

Pandemic care package contents

The used mailing envelope I stuffed is available thanks to my compulsion for keeping such things, just in case. I also had plenty of stamps for postage and packing tape to seal the deal. My husband and I both grew up with parents who lived through the Great Depression and as a result, were nearly always prepared for lean times. The waste not, want not generation. It must have rubbed off on us. That and being in Scouts. You know, that part about being prepared?

Today, simple living is a huge thing. I appreciate that philosophy. Materialism can get in the way of truly enjoying life. I know from experience. I spend far too much time shuffling my stuff around instead of giving it to someone who needs it or at least would appreciate it more than I do. I’m working on it. This care package is a tiny example of giving things to someone who needs them more. 

Living in a studio apartment means our daughter keeps only her basic needs around since there’s no room for storing extra items. She has to save room for art and yoga supplies and a doggie bed. An artist and a yoga teacher, she, like so many others, is now working online from home. Every little bit of floor space is essential yet during this stay-at-home period, a few extra items we have in our house are essential for her as well. 

This package contains items she can’t easily obtain at the moment: Heartworm preventative and ear medicine for her dog, pepper spray for all her dog walking excursions, a roll of paper towels, hand sanitizer, Tylenol, muscle ache lotion, and a pair of sandals. As a heartfelt bonus, I included a fun greeting card in an extra-large envelope with a personal message from moi, stuffed with note cards, envelopes, and stamps because sometimes, you have to send a check somewhere or communicate by mail. Essential goods are heading to our daughter, no longer taking up space in our house, but needed in hers. Sending them and our love, just in case.

Pandemic Care Package

8 thoughts on “Pandemic Care Package for Our Daughter

  1. I just sent my daughter and family hand sanitizer too! They couldn’t find any to buy.

    • I’m expecting this to be a thing. At least it feels like I’m doing something positive. Especially since I’m getting nothing positive done most days. I do however have a lovely to do list in case I get it together and can check a few things off. Are you feeling productive? Or just chilling and playing rummy, watching recorded shows, eating and walking in the woods like we are? Oh I am cooking for a change so that is productive. So yay.

  2. Hello there. These are very dangerous times, and the strangest of times. Sadly and obviously.

    Take care.

    Neil Scheinin

  3. That sounds so fabulous, but you sound a bit too organized and make me feel guilty! I sent my kids each a hydroponic aerogarden so they could grow herbs, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers. That was my “care package.” I got a care package like this from my mom when I lived in California when I was in my twenties. I can’t remember everything in it, but I remember everything was wonderful! The one thing in it was a small-ish antique mirror set in a deep shadow-box-like frame. She was an antique dealer and there was lots more in that box. Your daughter will never forget it! My mother died when I was 39 and it’s maybe one of my fondest memories, that box. Even if I can remember only that one thing in it.

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