
June 25, 2016


3 Day Quote Challenge: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle

By Lisa Batten Kunkleman Today is the second day of my 3 day quote challenge. And I would like to thank Shahz at for nominating me for the challenge.   “Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.” Oscar Wilde “If the lessons that history teach us anything, it is that nobody learns the lessons […]

May 31, 2016


Empty Nest Flutterings

By Lisa Batten Kunkleman The birds flew back into our empty nest. Quiet slipped out the back door, to be replaced by chatter, showers, cars and friends galore. The living room became a drop off spot for book bags, jackets, and laptops. Oh, and shoes, brass instruments and music stands. They’re ba-ack. And oh how […]

May 8, 2014


Squabble, Tiff, or Spat: Just Fix It

Squabble, Tiff, or Spat: Just Fix It It’s amazing how a small thing can turn into a large, loud, ridiculous argument in a flippin’ fuschia minute. (That’s a play on red-hot minute) Mere seconds before, life is coasting along fine and suddenly, one person’s mouth opens and says something without knowing it will be taken […]

March 25, 2014

Letter to my Children about Happy and Unhappy Endings

By Lisa Kunkleman

How do we know if it’s an unhappy ending? Is anything really an ending or just a step toward something else? I remember talking to a wise man about how much I was going to miss having a baby around the house, once our first child grew out of all that cuteness and we’d no longer walk around the colorful paraphernalia that filled every room. How would we feel about her independence and clearing the path for her to walk away from us?”

That very wise man told me that for every thing you lose from that baby stage, you get something even more special with each new stage. As a child grows in size and independence, she also grows in ability to communicate and there’s nothing quite like enjoying the changes in communication through the years.

He said, “Just wait till she’s nine. That’s such a fun age. And what conversations you will have. For all the happiness you think is ending, you’ll receive new happy beginnings.”

Now I understand that what seems like endings are just the long continuum of life and the joys, sorrows, and surprises it brings.The transition is so smooth that you hardly know when you’ve seen the last this or that as you pick up a new other.  I’m not sure I believe in happy or unhappy endings unless it’s in a book or movie where there’s no sequel. Even then, if enough people ask for it, sometimes there’s another chapter to that story; there’s always more to come.

You may think you didn’t get the happy ending you wanted; you may rationalize that this is the way it was meant to be. I’d say, this might not be the end of the story. I’m waiting for the sequel.