Opinions Needed: (You Don’t Hear That Very Often) Finalizing Book Cover and Title Selection


By Lisa Batten Kunkleman


I have several potential designs for a book cover and am looking for input. Have mercy! I never knew how tough it would be to publish a book. Actually to prepare a book for publication. Wow. Writing it was not the hard part.

Decisions, decisions.  I never thought much about book design but I think about it now. In awake-time and in sleep-time. And this is only about the cover. There are oodles of other decisions to make for the interior. So, I need some friendly eyes and kind opinions on the following photo cover examples.  Here’s your chance to be opinionated. (Consider the first photo to be A and the last to be E and read them like a book left to right in your input.)


I’m pretty sure I’m on the right track now but would appreciate some confirmation or suggestions. Many of you have been through this process and may have some words of wisdom. It’s taken several great minds to get this far and I want to get it right.


Thanks ahead of time.  I’ll get by with a little help from my social media friends.


41 thoughts on “Opinions Needed: (You Don’t Hear That Very Often) Finalizing Book Cover and Title Selection

  1. Wooohoooo! Cannot wait to own a copy of this! I like the one smack dab in the middle – C. It looks the most like a piece of classic literature to be savored and delighted in.

  2. Thanks for the input Jen. I appreciate it. Stay warm.

  3. HI LIsa ,

    I vote for D but can you make your name a bit bolder or bigger????

    My least favorite is E as the title fades into the barn.

    Love the picture!

    IT’s getting there!

    Love, Bridgett > On Feb 13, 2019, at 6:57 PM, Life Stories and Beyond ply@wordpress.com > wrote: > >

  4. Is the font bigger in number 2? I like the bottom where your name is on the first one, but the bigger font on the second one – but that could just be my old eyes. So happy for you – and impressed. AWESOMEEEEE!!! Hugs Cousin

  5. I like #4. The print is easy to read and find, and I like your name over the grass in the foreground. The disclaimer is that I have no experience in publishing. Writing a successful book is awesome. Congratulations!

  6. I choose option 4. The font and layout would definitely pull me in for a closer look. I really like your name on the grass at the bottom here too!

  7. I like the last one! It just looks the most… design-integrated? For me, the strips of black across the top and bottom kind of distract from the image, and I like it when it’s all part of one cohesive whole 🙂

  8. They are all good, but I think I like the fourth one the best. I can see the photo clearly, but also read the name of the book easily, which is important if I’m looking for it by title. And congrats on getting a book published!!! That’s a huge accomplishment!

  9. I like the one on the bottom left best. The typeface is easiest to read in this one. Nice cover!

  10. Lisa, I like D(#4) but would like the “Life is Beyond to be the same as in photo B(#2). I know nothin about writing and publishing but so happy that you have written this book. I will look forward to reading it.
    On another note, congratulations on your beautiful new grandbaby boy. He is just adorable. I know he is going to be spoiled for sure as he has so many people who love him!! Your life is really going to change now. I hope you make lots of money on your book as you will probably be spending most of it on your grandson!! Smile…………..

    • Thanks so much Judy. I appreciate the ideas. About little Wesley, you’re right. He has changed all our worlds and is currently the centerpiece. He’s adorable. Now if his mom and dad could get some sleep…

  11. I am no expert but I prefer the second cover from the right. It is bright and draws the eye and the lettering is easier to read.

  12. Hi Lisa, Thought I’d put in my 2 cents – 🙂 I’m a graphic designer and have also designed both the cover and interior of several books (all children’s so far – picture books and a chapter book). I have a few thoughts – #4 is the strongest, but I would break up the title text the same way you did in #5. I’d move your name up a bit, so the type stands out more on the lighter green grass (just a little). What is a bit confusing looking at the cover is that it appears that the book has two titles. Anyone not familiar with your blog and its title may be confused as well. Therefore, the type weight and size should be different for each of them, being larger and heavier for the actual title, and lighter for the other. Hope that helps.

  13. I agree with the designer above. Great free advice from her and very on the money I think.

  14. I vote for B. Good luck deciding. You’re right, writing a book seems like the easy part once you get to the publishing part.

    Sent from my iPad


  15. I like B because it’s easiest to read for these old eyes. :). I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  16. Personally I prefer B but I would have the title in black then it would stand out more. 🙂

  17. I like #4…..great picture!! Good luck to you!!!!!:) Jennifer Dann

  18. Pingback: Finish the Book Already: Ignore Distractions | Life Stories and Beyond

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